Class Table<DataType>

Type Parameters

  • DataType = unknown


  • Resource<Signature<DataType>>
    • Table


  • Type Parameters

    • DataType = unknown


    • owner: unknown

    Returns Table<DataType>


[COLUMN_META_KEY]: WeakMap<Column<unknown>, Map<Class<unknown>, any>> = ...
[ROW_META_KEY]: WeakMap<Row<Record<string, unknown>>, Map<Class<unknown>, any>> = ...
[TABLE_KEY]: string = ...
[TABLE_META_KEY]: Map<Class<unknown>, any> = ...
args: {
    named: TableConfig<DataType>;

Lazy way to delay consuming arguments until they are needed.

Type declaration

columns: MappedArray<Column<DataType>> = ...
modifiers: {
    columnHeader: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>;
    container: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>;
    row: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>;
} = ...

Collection of utility modifiers that are the result of composing modifiers from plugins.

Using this is optional, and you can "just" use modifiers from specific plugins in specific places if you wish -- but these exists as a "convenience".

These are all no-use, no-cost utilities

Type declaration

  • columnHeader: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>
  • container: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>
  • row: FunctionBasedModifier<{}>
preferences: TablePreferences

Interact with, save, modify, etc the preferences for the table, plugins, columns, etc

rows: MappedArray<Row<DataType>> = ...
scrollContainerElement?: HTMLElement
scrollContainerHeight?: number

Unused for now, may be used in the future. This data is collected along with the scrollContainerWidth, (which is currently in use)

scrollContainerWidth?: number

Used to help determine how much space we can give to columns. As we generate widths for columns, the columns' widths must add up to about this number.


  • get plugins(): Plugin<unknown>[]
  • Private

    For all configured plugins, instantiates each one. If the plugins argument changes to the Table (either directly or through headlessTable, all state is lost and re-created)

    Returns Plugin<unknown>[]


  • Get the active plugin instance for the given plugin class

    Type Parameters


    • klass: Class<Instance>

    Returns undefined | Instance

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